Angelique Palmer is a performance poet, Kindergarten Teacher, and Spoken Word instructor at Wilkes University Maslow Family Creative Writing Graduate Program. Currently ranked 19th among the top 96 poets in the world, she was the 5th-ranked woman poet in the world in 2015.
​After 10 self-published chapbooks, her first full-length book, The Chambermaid’s Style Guide, debuted on Sargent Press in 2016. Her second book is the 2021 follow-up ALSO DARK on Etruscan Press. Honored to be a part of such anthologies as The Queer Cookies Poetry Cookbook, and Sign & Breath: Voice and the Literary Tradition, her publications include Drunk in A Midnight Choir, Wus Good?: A POC Magazine, Borderline, and The Mud Review. The New Orleans native and Florida State University Creative Writing graduate has called Virginia home since 2010 and Fairfax County home since 2017.
She was among 25 new members accepted to the 2015 A ROOM OF HER OWN writing retreat and is a 2014 PINK DOOR WRITING RETREAT retreat alumna. In December 2017 she became a member of THE WATERING HOLE Graduate Fellows. Her publications include BORDERLINE, DRUNK IN A MIDNIGHT CHOIR, WUSGOOD?, and THE MUD SEASON REVIEW. She is the co-editor of BEECH STREET REVIEW, in her third year of instruction at FURIOUS FLOWER POETRY CENTER CREATIVITY CAMP, and slam manager at THE BELTWAY POETRY SLAM.
She’s been the featured poet in cities across the U.S.
Formerly an instructor at the American Poetry Museum in Washington, DC, she leads workshops and volunteers with spoken word-based charities. She makes ice cream, can loom knit you a new life, shares kindness freely, and never hesitates to bond with anyone over the Golden Girls.
She’s pretty cool.
The 2017 Beltway Poetry Slam Team

It was my distinct honor to write and perform with the Slam Poetry Team representing the DC-Maryland-Virginia area at The National Poetry Slam in Denver, August 2017

What The Water Says

"I've seen a lot of poets come and go, and I've seen precious few emote the combination of fire and frailty, vulnerability and 'va-va-voom', that Ms. Palmer did in one feature set (indeed, often in one piece). The sonic sincerity of her set remains singed in my memory to this very day."
Drew Anderson
aka "Droopy the Broke Baller"
co-host of Spit Dat,
Washington, DC

"Angelique Palmer’s poems do the next to impossible work of holding together the dark and light sides of breakage, like a lightning storm that scorches both heart and hand."
Diane Gilliam
author, Kettle Bottom

"Angelique Palmer is one of the most soulful poets to emerge in the DC renaissance of spoken word culture, she is a tornado of sensual imagery fueled by the ferocity of a woman who feels with such generosity and emotional openness!"